A couple of weeks ago, I saw this exotic white apricot for sale in my local Trader Joes supermarket. I have read about this fruit in a NY Times article years ago and have kept it in mind since then. Probably because it is so new to the general public, there was even a free sampling that I took advantage of without hesitation. I was quite satisfied with the milder-than-Blenheim-but-no-sour-after-taste flavor, so I offered one piece to my 8-year-old son. Being a strong-minded boy, he refused emphatically, then tried one small piece upon my insistence. As soon as he had that piece, he was all over me asking for more and more. So I bought four packs (1lb. for $3.59) and had to go back for more the next day since the first batch got consumed that evening. Now I think the word was out (and I helped with a posting on Cloud Forest Cafe), so there were no more free samples and half of the supply was already gone. I grabbed six more packs and just hope that this wonderful fruit will become regularly available in the future.