Wave Garden in Point Richmond

The season of garden tour is upon us and I am already getting a head start with a trip to the Wave Garden last Sunday (April 10) organized by our venerable Bay Area Horticultural Group aka The Hortisexuals.

Point Richmond is definitely a diamond in the rough. The troubled reputation of the city of Richmond is revealed by the subpar conditions of the streets. But what a view they have over there! The Golden Gate Bridge is framed on the left by Angel Island as viewed from the road leading to the Wave Garden, a seldom seen angle indeed.
View of GG Bridge

You can also see the Richmond San Rafael Bridge from the garden:
Richmond San Rafael Bridge

The most amazing thing about this garden is that it is literally someone’s backyard open to the public for free 24/7. Can we shame Larry Ellison into sharing his Katsura Rikyu replica any time soon? I sure can hope, can’t I?

The custom concrete walls and walks were put in first with top-notch textured finishes:

view NW view NE
view SE view SW

This Whale Tail sculpture on left is the original impetus for the whole garden. It is still the center piece and certain neighbors call the owners to complain if any plants start to block their view of it. Several other pieces are also prominently featured.

Whale Tail Bear and Senecio

The planting design is masterfully done by Ms. Kellee Adams of dig-it landscape design in Marin. Her choice of plants is in sync with what some local designers called “The Bay Area Style”, where exotics from all Mediterranean climate regions of the world have a carnival. For even riskier endeaver, I did suggest a Plumeria for a most favorable spot.

Mangave Macho Mocha Leucadendron Aeonium undulatum

The South African Leucospermum collection is especially impressive. Besides the great micro-climate, the secret of success is in the soil mix used: Clod Buster from American Soil Products.

Close up Red flowering Leucospermum

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